CCFWE is a leader in Canadian research on Economic Abuse

CCFWE aims to improve access for legal, financial and social systems for survivors of Economic Abuse in Canada. CCFWE accomplishes this by advocating for policy change to ensure safety and security for victim-survivors of Economic Abuse. CCFWE’s Research Team is led by our Research and Policy Director, Niha Shahzad Chandrarajan, and our Research Lead Analyst Dr. Natalie Snow. 

Research: In Canada, there is a lack of data on the state of Economic Abuse in Canada, which is desperately needed to aid victims and survivors to understand their unique experiences with legal, social and financial systems in Canada.  We strive to fill the data gaps on economic abuse by conducting Canadian studies on Economic Abuse victims, survivors and service providers. Our purpose is to identify the prevalence of Economic Abuse, accessibility and barriers to services that victims experience

Knowledge Translation: Our research results and findings are disseminated to shelter and women’s against violence organization networks, presented to federal departments like Women and Gender Equality Canada, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, Finance Canada, and other organizations like Equifax to create systemic change for survivors. These findings are also used for the National Task Force for Women’s Economic Justice, to create targeted tools, and policy recommendations for Canada. CCFWE coordinates with international organizations like Surviving with Economic Abuse in the UK, the Good Shepherds of Hope in New Zealand, and Freeform in the US to borrow best practices and raise awareness internationally. presents at academic conferences, like the 2022 Canadian Forensic Psychology Conference, and on national news networks. Find us on  CCFWE’s YouTube channelCBC Radio – Morning Show with Robyn Bresnaha, and Rogers TV.    

Capacity Building and Policy and Systems Change: Our research informs effective change practices, policies, legislation, and advance social change. Our approach  will create tools to build capacity for financial, legal, and social systems to remove the structural barriers to identify and respond to Economic Abuse in Canada. Additionally, our research aims to create tools and practices for victims and survivors to rebuild their lives. 


Research & Evidence Key Initiatives & Special Projects

  • Understanding the nature of economic abuse: A national study on service provider insights is the national research project currently underway. This report is the first of it’s kind in Canada. The study aims to explore the prevalence, access, and barriers to support services and the understanding of Economic Abuse across Canada. The research study has three lines of inquiry- social service agencies, financial institutions and victim-survivors. For the social service agencies, we are recruiting organizations who serve clients experiencing intimate partner violence (past or present). We are currently recruiting for all eligible population groups. The research study is recruiting participants from British Columbia, Newfoundland, and Labrador, Ontario, Alberta, and Northwest Territories. The survey will be open from April 10, 2022, to June 1, 2022. Through the survey, we are also recruiting interview participants from social service agencies and financial institutions. This study is funded by the federal department of Women and Gender Equity Canada. If you are interested in taking part or have any questions please contact
  • Development of Digital tools: CCFWE is in the process of developing a Mobile Application for victims and survivors as a one-stop-shop resource on Economic Abuse. This app will include a risk assessment feature for victims to understand their own situation and provide resources across Canada for victims to get the help they need. If you are a victim or survivor of economic abuse, we are interested in working with you to develop a mobile app for victims’ services. All participants will be compensated. If you are interested, please email: 
  • Environmental scan to review policy and legislation on Economic Abuse in Canada –  CCFWE engaged in a pro-bono collaboration with a group of law students from the University of Ottawa to review the national and provincial policies, legislation, and regulations surrounding Economic Abuse. These findings will allow CCFWE to develop a tool to rate provinces and territories on how comprehensive their policies and laws are to support survivors of Economic Abuse. 

Read our past research: A Study of Access to Economic Resources for Victims in COVID-19 in the National Capital Region (NCR), ON (January 2021): CCFWE conducted a research study on how victims and survivors of abuse have been faring during the COVID-19 pandemic in the National Capital Region (Ottawa, Gatineau, and Hull). Key findings include: 

  •  70-80% of participants stated they were, “worried about their economic situation” (e.g., employment and education) during and after the pandemic as a result of their perpetrator’s behaviors. 
  •  83% of women also said that as a result of their perpetrator’s actions since the pandemic began, their employment or education situation has significantly worsened
  • 80% of women agree that during COVID-19, their current/ex-partner has displayed more controlling, manipulative, coercive behaviors pertaining to their finances and economic stability.
  • The most common form of economic abuse in the National Capital Region (NCR) experienced by half of the victims (54%) is economic control (which occurs when the partner controls controlling their access to money such money (such as their bank account or by giving them an allowance).
  • 64% of women said they felt unsafe calling services because their partner was home. 
  • Financial institutions were deemed the most unhelpful of all services. 

Watch the research presentation here, CCFWE’s YouTube channel, CBC Radio – Morning Show with Robyn Bresnaha, and Rogers TV.    

Download the full report here: 


  1. National Study on Economic Abuse (Social services): If you are a social service agency serving clients who experience intimate partner violence (past or current), we are interested in hearing from you. Please contact to obtain the link for the survey. All survey participants are eligible for a $25 gift card. 
  2. National Study on Economic Abuse (Victims-Survivors): If you identify as a survivor or someone with lived experience of intimate partner violence, we are interested in hearing from you about your experiences. Please contact for the survey link. All participants are eligible for a $25 gift card. 
  3. National Study on Economic Abuse (Financial Institutions): If you currently work at a financial institution or credit union, we would like to hear from you. Please contact for the survey link. All participants are eligible for a $25 gift card. 
  4. Mobile and Web Application: If you are a victim or survivor of economic abuse, we are interested in working with you to develop a mobile app for victims services. All participants will be compensated. If you are interested, please email: 

Participating in the study will provide valuable information for the development of education and training and begin to understand the prevalence of Economic Abuse in our communities. The research will not only positively impact victim-survivors but your local community by informing the complexities of Economic Abuse and how we can better address gender-based violence. Research is linked to problem-solving which helps community become a better place to live. The outcomes of the research project will give you access to new, effective and practical support and training to better support victim-survivors of Economic Abuse. To participate in our research study please email 


Should you wish to learn more about economic abuse in Canada, contact us to present to your team. Contact  if you’d like us to present to your organization. 


Research Analyst, Dr Natalie Snow (PHD)  Research Director, Niha Shahzad, 

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