Resources on Prevention and Response on Economic Abuse

1. For Victims

Help Is Here – Economic Abuse Fact Sheet for Victims and Survivors

Economic Abuse is a devastating form of domestic violence that often goes unrecognized. Our “Help Is Here” fact sheet aims to provide crucial information, resources, and guidance to individuals who have experienced economic abuse. 

This resource empowers survivors with the knowledge to recognize economic abuse, seek assistance, and regain financial independence. By recognizing the signs, seeking help, and taking proactive steps toward financial autonomy, survivors can break free from the cycle of abuse and pave the way for a brighter future. Remember, you are not alone, and help is always available.

Available in multiple languages: English, French, Urdu, Arabic, etc.

Ready to take control of your journey to recovery from economic abuse? Download STEAR now and access essential tools, resources, and support right at your fingertips. Your healing starts here. Get STEAR today.

2. For Service Providers

Fact Sheet on Prevention and Response Economic Abuse for Service Providers

This fact sheet serves as a comprehensive guide for service providers working with victim-survivors of Economic Abuse. It offers essential insights into recognizing Economic Abuse, understanding its impact, and navigating the complexities of power and control dynamics, both during and after separation. Equipped with this resource, service providers can better assist survivors in their journey toward healing, empowerment, and financial independence.

Available in multiple languages: English, French, Arabic, Urdu, etc.


3. For Bank Employees

How Canadian Banks Can Support Survivors of Economic Abuse

This fact sheet is designed specifically for Canadian banks, providing actionable insights on how they can play a pivotal role in assisting survivors of economic abuse. It outlines common red flags that frontline financial institution staff can look out for to identify victims of economic abuse. Additionally, it highlights targeted measures that banks can implement to offer survivors a secure and supportive financial environment, enabling them to regain control of their economic lives and work towards a brighter future.


Expressing Gratitude to Contributors and Task Force Members

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the contributors and members of the task force who have dedicated their time, expertise, and passion to make these resources possible. Your invaluable contributions have been instrumental in creating comprehensive and impactful materials to address economic abuse and support survivors on their journey to healing and empowerment.

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Collaborate with Us

We invite organizations to partner with us in developing educational materials to prevent economic abuse. We are eager to collaborate and create impactful resources together. Please contact us at to get involved.