How to spot economic abuse 2022

Aligning with the international movement of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence the day highlights the unique experiences of Economic Abuse within intimate partner violence.

#HelpUsRise2022 – Why Do We Need This Campaign?

Unlike other forms of domestic violence, Economic Abuse is often harder to spot. Add to that a lack of data on Economic Abuse in Canada, making it even more difficult to identify and address, leaving victims and survivors without the resources and support they need.

Witnessing abuse this holiday season

It’s the holidays. You’re sitting down for an excellently curated meal with the family. And an all-too-familiar scene presents itself.
A man refers to his wife as a ‘bitch’.

The Need to Educate Canadian Financial Institutions Regarding Economic Abuse

Historically, many a study conducted including one by Thomas McCabe, Ph.D., 1991, discloses how individuals react differently to major life traumas or “psychosocial stressors” and how some individuals, given a failure to learn from their mistakes, inadvertently set themselves up for revictimization.

The New Divorce Act and Financial Abuse

In March 2021, Canada enacted several major changes to the Divorce Act, which covers the federal aspects of divorce, including parenting arrangements, spousal support, and child support. For the first time, the Divorce Act considers the issue of “family violence,” including “financial abuse,”..